Wi-Fi QR Signs for Houseguests

I can instruct you on how to obtain a QR code that will allow visitors to your house (or office) to simply hold their phone’s camera up to the code to be instantly connected to your wifi network. Once you email the code to me, I can have it burnt onto a wooden plaque*, stitched onto a wall-hanging or circuit-board, or printed on stretched canvas. I can create an animated image from your code like those below that you can load onto a digital picture frame (which I can provide or you can buy separately) set to loop on a side table in your vestibule (or other surface near your front door). I can make a code out of legos, create it as a mosaic of glass tiles, produce it out of silk or silver or execute it in whatever style suits your space. Text of your choice can be added at your request.

Guests love the convenience, and they’ll love you for providing it.

* dependent on the laser-cutter at my local makerspace being in working order

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